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Title (English) Fist of the North Star
Title (Japanese) Hokuto no Ken

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Movie, 112 mins. ( Manga Video) 112 mins,
cert 18, £12.99
Classification -
Review This is the second Anime (Japanese animation) release
from Manga Video. The Toei Animation HOKUTO NO
KEN was based on graphic novels (manga) by Buronson
& Tetsuo Hara. It's set in the future where nuclear war
and pollution have left the Earth a barren desert devoid
of vegetation. Ruthless outlaw bikers, super-powerful
mutants and warlords prey on the few ragged human
survivors huddled in the wrecks of cities. Ken, the Fist of
the North Star, has been chosen as a saviour, but his
efforts are thwarted by his mutant rivals Jagi, Raoh, and
Shin. Ken soon loses his fiancee Julia and fights to rescue
This is a very violent piece of Anime - blood spurts,
limbs are lopped off and large numbers of combatants
slaughtered. There isn't much of a plot but there is some
rock music on the soundtrack, and there is an ecological
theme of sorts. Despite the 18 certificate the script is
very childish;it's not clear why Manga Video released this
naff item rather than the many much better examples of
Anime they could have chosen instead. The best part of
the tape is the AKIRA trailer. True, some of FIST's
visuals are quite appealing and so is the violent action if
you like that sort of thing; it's too unreal to be really
Verdict - best rented after a night of lager and curry.
Credits dir.Toyoo Ashida
Release US:DVD, UK:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1984
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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