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Title (English) Ultimate Teacher
Title (Japanese) Kyofun no Bio-Ningen

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes ULTIMATE TEACHER (Studio Live, 1988), 57 mins
UK: (Manga
Video), 50 mins, cert 15, £8.99
Classification -
Review The video opens with a rather nice depiction of a
rundown and under-serviced suburb of Tokyo. From a
secret genetic engineering lab escapes Ganbachi, half human and half cockroach, a
towering ugly hunk who is looking for a research centre
with the idea of causing some trouble. He meets a polite
schoolgirl who directs him to her high school. Once
there, Ganbachi volunteers for a job as teacher, with the
idea of knocking the out-of-control students into line. He
is opposed in this worthy aim by Hinako, beautiful gang
leader and wearer of the 'Velvet Pussy' panties. There is a
lot of underwear flaunting in this video as the opponents
attempt to embarrass each other into submission! Much
thuggery, innuendo and farce ensues.
I found myself rather out of sympathy with this video,
which was obviously made for Japanese schoolkids, and
hoping that the side of Order as represented by Ganbachi
would be victorious. ULTIMATE TEACHER isn't well
known in anime fandom, but the director, Toyoo Ashida,
also directed "Fist of the North Star" and "Vampire
Hunter D". The jokes all go on rather too long, as though
made for the slow-witted, and the animation is
unexceptional though again the British dubbing is good.
Verdict: most likely to be enjoyed by naughty
Credits dir Toyoo Ashida
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1988-02-06
Production Studio Live
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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