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Title (English) Vampire Hunter D
Title (Japanese) Vampire Hunter D

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes OAV, Ashi Pro, 1985, 80 mins.
US: Streamline, 1992
Classification -
Review VAMPIRE HUNTER D (dir Toyoo Ashida) (Manga
Video), 80 mins, cert 15, £12.99
The movie opens with the heroine, Doris Lang, a
pretty, tough and feisty young woman, walking through
the savannah carrying a big gun. She shoots a creature
resembling a dinosaur; however it gets up again even
after she has decapitated it, and maims her horse. She
kills it with a force whip. The disturbance attracts a were-
wolf, which rips a cross from around Doris's neck. The
werewolf flees when Count Magnus Lee, the vampire,
comes on the scene. He demands payment for Doris'
tresspass into his lands and then bites her on the neck.
Next on the scene comes a thin figure in a dark cloak
and broad-brimmed hat, and a mask that hides most of
his face, and riding a cyborg horse. This is D, the vampire
hunter. Doris first taunts him and then asks for his help,
showing him the puncture wounds on her neck. She
offers him sexual favours in payment (one of the more
adult parts of the script!). They join Doris' small brother
at her house, and next day the three go into town. Doris
is approached by Grekko, the mayor's foppish son, who
asks if the Count has attacked her and then, when she
resists his advances, tells everybody that she has been
The townsfolk then demand that Doris be confined, but
the local dosctor objects. D reminds the townsfolk that
killing the vampire will lift his curse. They return to the
farm to await the attack of the Count's creatures.
On paper this seems quite a strong script, with a half-
vampire hero, monsters, an evil and mysterious Count,
lots of action and plot twists and a couple of strong
female characters. The dubbed version deviates only
trivially from the original script.
Unfortunately when one sees and hears the movie, one's
principal impression is that it looks and sounds decidedly
juvenile, and more risible than frightening.
The fact that Toyoo Ashida also directed FIST OF THE
NORTH STAR should have been a bad omen for anyone
expecting anything sophisticated. Asides from a few
'adult' scenes and the level of gore, it does little to
overturn Western perceptions of 'cartoons'. The character
designs are undistinguished and the action has long
pauses while the characters threaten one another. The
movie has little of the conviction and subtlety we have
come to expect of the better anime and the tone of the
dubbed dialogue, from Streamline Pictures, completes the
impression of something intended for juveniles. There are
other anime horror videos far better than this.
Credits Dir. Toyoo Ashida
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1985
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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