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Title (English) Zeguy
Title (Japanese) Unkai no Meikyu

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes 2 OVAs, KSS, 1993, 40 mins each.
="Labyrinth of the Sky Clouds"
US: Central Park Media, 79 mins
UK: ZEGUY (Manga Video), 65 mins, cert PG, £8.99
Classification -
Review This 65-minute video, also known as "The Labyrinth of
the Sea Clouds" was almost unknown in the fan scene. It
is in fact an alternate-world fantasy in which Miki and
Sayaka, two naive schoolgirls, are transported to the
Empire of the Clouds, a world of adventure where heroes
and villains contest for the power of the god Zeguy
(pronounced Z-gai). There's plenty to delight the eye, and
adventure, invention and comedy are skilfully mixed in a
fast-paced plot. The fantasy world is internally consistent,
and the airships and other special effects would have cost
tens of millions of dollars in a live action production. The
characters could have been better developed, and so
could the details of the Empire. ZEGUY isn't quite in the
same league as PROJECT A-KO or the Miyazaki
movies, to which it bears a more than coincidental
resemblace, but with the promised PG rating offers lots
of fun for fantasy fans of all ages. Check it out.
My nephew also saw ZEGUY, of which he says: "I
think this video was aimed at a younger age group,
maybe about 10 and under. Not as funny as MARIS or
CAT GIRL NUKU NUKU. They could have made more
of the story which was a good idea."
Credits Dir. Original story & screenplay: Shigenori Kageyama
Episodes 2
Release UK:VHS, US:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1993
Production KSS
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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