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Title (English) Only Yesterday
Title (Japanese) Omohide Poroporo

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes From the manga, written by Okamoto Hotaru, art by TONE Yuuko, originally serialised in Myojo weekly, republished in 3 volumes.
Movie, 119 mins
[Shoujo Anime List]
Classification shoujo
Synopsis Twenty-something unmarried office worker Taeko has a lifestyle crisis and returns to her country roots. (GC)

In 1982, 27-year-old Taeko Okajima goes to a distant relative's farm for a short vacation. But she brought an unexpected guest with her: her memories of being a 10-year-old 5th grader in 1966 Tokyo. The film explores several anecdotes of the younger Taeko, and reflects upon their effects on the older Taeko. One of the best anime films ever made. (ENC)

This also has a documentary-type quality and would have been made as live action in any country other than Japan. It's based on a manga series and apparently both manga and videos have been very popular. A bit like a Japanese *Heimat*.
It's an excellent movie and being apparently intended for older viewers is quite different from the familiar anime fare. Twenty-something unmarried office worker Taeko has a lifestyle crisis and returns to her country roots. (The Western viewer should bear in mind that being an OL (office-lady) is not a career so much as an interlude before marriage at around 28). There are lengthy flashbacks to her childhood.
This is another movie that shows a great deal of detail of Japanese domestic life including, as the fan script points out, teenage magazines and pop music tastes of some years ago. Both the videos and the manga series are very popular in Japan. The artistic high point of the movie is a scene of a family row that works perfectly without translation.
Another that deserves to be on the subtitled art movie shelves. (GC)

The perfect anime for learning village life (and also the cosmetic industry) in Japan. Animation is so real that is unbelievable. (HBV)

Credits Dir: Isao Takahata
See for full details.
Release Jap:VHS, Jap:LD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1991
Production Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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