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Title (English) Fuli Culi
Title (Japanese) Fuli Culi

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes New Gainax series, fall 2000.
"FLCL" is their most recent OAV series, created digitally, and released on six region 2 DVD's over the past year or so. A number of notable "extras" came with the DVD's, including posters, very nice brochures and particularly interesting - well done English subtitles on disks 2 - 6. ( The region 2 DVD's were released by Star Child, #'s KIBA 478 - 483. )
Classification -
Synopsis What's the series about? Well, on the surface, it's the story of Naota, a 12 year old who gets involved with Haruko, a very strange and hyper 19 year old girl who claims to be an alien. Along the way Naota gets smashed on the head several times, and from the bump on his head come out various huge alien robots. Naota also has to deal with a number of other aliens who may or may not be trying to stop a huge flatiron-shaped building run by a mysterious organization called Medical Mechanica from destroying the world, Naota's older brother's girlfriend Mamimi, who almost casually hits on Naota, a girl classmate named Eri who teases him in a somewhat seductive manner, more robots, a whacked out school teacher and his self-center father and grandfather. Eventually it turns out that Naota is the key for Haruko to try to obtain Atomusuku, an energy containing space being/pirate, who is being held captive by Medical Mechanica. But Naota has his own agenda and the story ends with Atomusuku escaping from both Medical Mechanica and Haruko, Haruko leaving to follow Atomusuku, and Naota being left to pick up his life from the chaos left over from the aliens. (Dave Baranyi)
Review For all those folks who have been commenting on the "death" of OAV's, ( not that there haven't been a number of very interesting recent series such as "High School Aura Buster" ) the new Gainax series "Fuli Culi", AKA "FLCL" shows that OAV's are still "alive and well". I just watched the first two episodes of the series and everyone who likes really strange and "in your face" animation ( other than hard core Gainax haters ) ought to run out and get this series now.
The two Japanese DVD's, put out by Star Child are:
Volume 1 - KIBA 478, 2500 Yen, 25 minutes, released 2000.4.26 Volume 2 - KIBA-479, 3700 Yen, 25 minutes, released 2000.6.21
The first volume has an extended commercial as an add-in and the second volume has a music video of the ending theme, "Ride on Shooting Stars" by the Pillows. Both packages are also "in your face" - the outside and liner notes of volume 1 are done on a bright, "Day-Glo" yellow background and the second volume is done on "Day-Glo" pink.
Keeping in line with Gainax's "different" approach to anime, volume 2 has English subtitles as an option. This is the first time I've seen this on a new anime release from Japan ( as compared to the English subs or dubs available on some of the Pioneer anime re-releases ). The subbing is pretty good and helped with some of the goofier in-jokes in volume 2 ( such as the mention of Naota's father having worked on the "EVA manga" ).
What is the story about? Hmmm not to give too much away, but let's just say it's a similar to a cross between "The Head", "KareKano", "Tenshi ni Narumon" and "NieA-7", but different all the same. Sounds strange you say?- well, wait until you see Naota sprout some really twisted robots out of his head. ( And why are Mamimi and Haruka after a grade schooler you may ask )
Get the series. (Dave Baranyi)

I saw two episodes of this. The first was fan-subtitled, wheras the DVD for the second is officially available with English subtitles!
As a show, it seems to combine some of the elements of His & Her Circumstances, and Evangelion, ie everyday emotional life of school students, and weird scifi and robot stuff. It looks good, but I'll need to watch it again to make any sense of what was going on and who's who. (GC)
Watched episodes 1-4 again and then the divx of episodes 1-6. I still wouldn't care to attempt a full explanation. Haruka is a galactic agent in conflict with Medical Mechanica, who operate the steam-iron shaped factory above the town and seem to be the source of the robots. Naota's father is an unsuccessful writer and lusts after Haruka. Episodes 3 & 4 are quite mad. But the soundtrack is great. I want to buy those DVDs.

Episodes 6
Release Jap:DVD, US:DVD
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2000
Production Gainax
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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