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Title (English) Gude Crest
Title (Japanese) Efera to Jiliora no bouken: Gude no monshou

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes "The Emblem of Gude - Swordswomen Efera and Jiliora", US= "Gude Crest"
OVA, 1994, from novel by Leiko Hikawa
43 mins.
AD Vision, 1997
There is also a computer game spinoff.
Classification -
Synopsis The story opens with the two swordswomen Jiliora (the strong noisy one & ex-princess) and Efera (the one with the magical powers) chained up on board a slaver ship after Jiliora unwisely accepted a drugged meal. They free themselves. A boy insists on joining their escape, giving them a jewelled crest, but is killed in a fight with the crew.
The two women decide to return the crest to its original owners, and trace it to two noble-born children being held in Hoda, and being pressed to convert to Hodaism by an evil minister. Hoda is a land ruled by a queen with magical powers.
Review This OVA seemed like an episode from a larger work rather than something complete in itself, though as far as I know there's only one OVA. For instance, Jiliora's annoying boyfriend appears in the story for what seems here like little reason.
This is set in a rather standard swords & sorcery universe so those who like Record of Lodoss War and a thousand S&S fantasy novels will feel at home. As usual, it is set in a world where things resemble our middle ages, except for the magic. Our two heroines try to help noble-born triplets who are snared in a power struggle. It ends in a typical bitter-sweet Japanese resolution.
The interactions between the characters play quite well. Overall, this is average fare, not great anime but should not overly disappoint those who like swords & sorcery anime and lively swordswomen. I've given it a full write-up because of its obscurity.
Credits Production: Hiroshi Takano & Yoshiki Aihara
Director: Kazushi Kikushi
Screenplay: Isau Seitani
Music: Shoji Honda
Planning: Tomochiro Tsukada
Cast: Efera - Hanako Matsuri, Jiliora - Kazue Ikura, Julian & Kilian - Yumi Tonama, Rubiera - Junko Asami, Celdian - Banjo Ginga, Guruku - Eiken Mine, Queen - Rihoko Yoshida.
Character design - Tsukasa Tokite
Animation Director: Chisato Sagawa
Sound effect: Koichi Chiba Production chief: Shirou Tamiguchi
Release Jap, US:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1994
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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