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Title (English) Nana
Title (Japanese) Nana

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Based on the manga "Nana" by Ai Yazawa, serialised in "Cookie" and "Shojo Beat". There is also a live action movie.
Ai Yazawa also wrote the Paradise Kiss and Gokinjo Monogatari mangas. (both animated).
Classification shoujo
Synopsis "Nana" is the third in a series of late night "chick flick" anime aimed at a mixed college-aged audience, following "Honey and Clover" and "Paradise Kiss". As with its predecessors, Nana has stylish character designs, bright and lively dialog, and modern relationships as its strong points. The key with any anime like this is the characters, and Nana is also following the trend of the two earlier series by focusing on a few recognizable and believable characters on which to build the story.

"Nana" starts out as a "city mouse, country mouse" type of story as 20 year old Nana Komatsu boards a winter train for Tokyo where she intends to be reunited with a boy from high school who she likes. The train is full and Nana finds the only empty seat to be occupied by a guitar case of a rocker-looking girl. The train suddenly comes to a sudden stop, causing Nana to fall together with the guitar onto the lap of the rocker girl. The rocker girl then invites Nana to sit and they start to chat.

Nana is open, garrulous and endlessly enthusiastic. The rather reserved rocker girl, when she does speak, sounds like she could be the great granddaughter of Ed Elric. (Yes, I know very well why. ) It turns out that the rocker is also named Nana, and the two get along quite well during the lengthy delay of the train trip, although "country mouse" Nana actually does the bulk of the talking. They then part once the train arrives in Tokyo, and Nana only belatedly realizes that she forgot to get the phone number of her rocker namesake.

Things are not quite what Nana anticipated in Tokyo. Although her guy friend takes her in for the evening and they sleep together, he isn't supportive of Nana's attempt to set up a traditional "love nest" in his apartment. He expects Nana to keep her promise to find a job and lead her own life, and tells her "that's how things are" in Tokyo.

So Nana goes out to find her own place and checks one out on the upper floor of an out-of-the-way apartment building that doesn't have an elevator. But there is already a prospective client there with a different realtor; and sure enough it is Rocker Nana. Rocker Nana obviously has a different interpretation of the "friendship" that developed on that delayed train trip, but when the two girls are presented with the possibility of sharing the cost of the apartment by sharing the apartment, they decide to give it a go.

(Dave Baranyi)

Review So this series seems to have the potential to be quite good, particularly since lot of effort is going into the writing. I don't expect it to break much new ground story-wise, but if the characters are kept believable then it could end up being enjoyable. Probably the only reservation I have at this time is that, as a jazz fan, I'm not interested in the music, nor in Rocker-Nana's musical endeavors, but time will tell how big a part they form in the story. The official site is at:
Dave Baranyi

I liked the first episode, which promises a series refreshingly different from the masses of anime featuring school-age characters. Adult characters can, as here, jump into bed in the first episode, which makes a refreshing change from the virginal no-sex farce so typical of anime with younger characters. It will be interesting to see if it turns out to be a great series or merely so-so. I also liked the music in the opening and closing credits. (GC)

Credits Series director: Morio Asaka
Character design: Kunihiko Hamada
Episodes 0
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2006 April 5 -
Production Nana prod. team, Madhouse, NTV, Shueisha, VAP
Broadcaster NTV
Animation Madhouse
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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