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Title (English) REC
Title (Japanese) REC

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Fram a manga by Q-taro Hanamizawa.
12 min. episodes.
Classification -
Synopsis Fumihiko Matsumaru is an average salaryman who works in advertising. He has no girlfriend. He invites his colleague Miss Tanaka to a movie but is stood up. Just as he is about to toss the tickets into a rubbish bin, a cute but ecentric girl appears and asks him not to waste those two tickets. After movie and dinner, he escorts her home and finds that they live in the same neighborhood.
Unaccountably her apartment catches fire hours later. Having nowhere else to stay, the shocked and miserable Aka Onda spends the night at Matsumaru's place. Following an impulsive first night, the two start a "more than friend but not yet lovers" relationship under the same roof while keeping this secret from their employers. Aka is a rookie seiyuu (voice actress).
Review "REC" is the second half of the new TBS late night anime split-half hour series that starts out with "Bincho-tan". But REC is very much the better half of this very "odd couple". BTW - "REC" in the title refers to a "record" button, because the anime is about Aka, a genki 20-year old red head who wants to be a seiyuu.

But the first episode of REC didn't give the impression that this is going to be yet another "Gotta sing, Gotta dance" sort of series (What I think of as the "42nd Street" syndrome.) Instead it is starting out as a sweet and funny seinen romance as lonely 26 year old salaryman Matsumaru is essentially "picked up" by Aka after Matsumaru has been stood up by a girl from work whom he likes.

What is surprising about the plot development is that Matsumaru and Aka end up in bed together before the first quarter hour episode ends. Even this is done in a rather quirky manner, as while Matsumaru starts to unbutton Aka's blouse she stops him momentarily by saying that they really ought to introduce themselves before going any further. They then go into the usual Japanese introductions.

So this appears to have the potential of being an enjoyable and reasonably realistic sort of seinen romantic comedy as opposed to the traditional "virgin idiot" style of anime of yesteryear. If nothing else, it ought to be worth checking out a few more episodes if only because the protagonists are adults.

(Dave Baranyi )

Credits Dir: Ryutaro Nakamura
Chara design: Hideyuki Morioka
Episodes 9
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2006 February 3 -
Production SHAFT, REC Production Committee, TBS
Broadcaster TBS
Animation Shaft
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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