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Title (English) Dororon Enma-kun
Title (Japanese) Dororon Enma-kun

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Oct 4 1973, colour, 25 eps
(Entry in Clements and McCarthy "Anime Encyclopedia")
A remake is scheduled for 2011.
Classification -
Synopsis Little Enma is the nephew of the King of Hell, and is sent to Earth when the King of Hell discovers that several of his Earth bound minions are not following orders. Enma, with his skirt and pointy hat, at first glance looks like a pugnacious girl but is definitely male. Accompanying Enma are Yukiko, daughter of the Snow princess, and Kappael the water-demon, and Enma's hat, Chapeau, which has a personality of its own. It is a coward and always advises its master against danger. . They relieve Dracula, former commander of the Yokai Patrol, of his duties, and set about subduing some troublesome demons. Dracula resents being ordered about by the bratty Enma. Tsutomu-kun, a human boy, accidentally observes their activities.
Review This doesn't seem too dated and is quite a lot of fun.
Credits Original work: Go Nagai and Dynamic Productions.
Planning: Yoshifumi Hatano, Koji Bessho.
Production Manager: Kiyoshi Ono.
Chief Director: Kimio Yabuki. Other Dir Keisuke Morishita, Takeshi Shirato, Fusahito Nagaki, Tomoharu Katsumata, Satoshi Dezaki
Scr: Masaki Tsuji, Tadaaki Yamazaki, Shunichi Yukimuro, Masami Uehara.
Des: Kimio Yabuki
Ani: Kazuhide Tomonaga, Kazuo Mori, Yoshinori Kanemori.
MUS: Hiroshi Tsutsui
Episodes 25
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1973 Oct 4
Production Dynamic Planning, Toei, Fuji TV.
Broadcaster Fuji TV
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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