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Title (English) Steel Jeeg
Title (Japanese) Koutetsu Jeeg

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes 46 eps, colour. Ist Br. Oct 5 1975.
aka Kotetsu Zieg. From a manga by Osamu Tezuka.
(Entry in Clements and McCarthy "Anime Encyclopedia")
Classification -
Synopsis Hiroshi Shima has been reconstructed as a cyborg, which enables him to survive an apparently fatal motor-racing accident. His father, scientist and inventor Professor Shima, has been investigating the relics of the ancient Japanese Jamatai kingdom. He is murdered by the henchmen of their Queen Himika when he discovers a tiny bronze bell with supposed sorcerous powers. Present-day Japan is being attacked by the bell's ancient makers, who are causing a series of earth tremors. When apprised of the true situation Hiroshi goes on the offensive. He finds that he can morph into the head unit of the giant robot "Steel Jeeg", the other parts being delivered by the flying vehicle "Big Shooter" flown by the professor's attractive assistant Miwa Satsuki. The robot "Using the power of magnets", to quote the opening song, defeats the first of the enemy's huge haniwa robots (haniwa are clay sclptures used to mark burial grounds in ancient Japan) The battle against the haniwa and the Jamatai kingdom continues up to episode 29 of the TV series.
Review This is simplistic stuff, but one can see in it the secret base, self-assembling robot ,hero, bad stuff from the past (or outer space), and kit of vehicles that appear in so many other action anime.
Credits Dir: Masayuki Akehi, Yoshio Nitta, Kazuya Miyazaki, Yugo Serikawa, Masamune Ochiai, Nobutaka Nishizawa, Yasuo Yamakichi
Scr: Hiroyasu Yamaura, Keisuke Fujikawa, Tomohiro Ando.
Des: Kazuo Nakamura, Geki Katsumata.
Ani: Kazuo Nakamura, Seiji Kikuchi, Koji Uemura, Sadao Tominaga.
Mus: Michiaki Watanabe.
Prod: Toei, NET
Created by Go Nagai and Tatsuya Yasuda.
Episodes 46
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1975 Oct 5
Production Toei, NET
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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