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Title (English) Rainbow Battleteam Robin
Title (Japanese) Rainbow Sentai Robin

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes b/w
(Entry in Clements and McCarthy "Anime Encyclopedia")
Classification -
Synopsis The people of the dying planet Palta choose Earth as their new home. The humans naturally object. Robin and his six super-powered friends: nurse-robot Lily, Wolf the sharp-shooter, Benkei the strong robot warrior, Bell the radar cat, the small know-it-all Professor, and Pegasus the transforming rocket form a heroic team to save the world. In the first episode there are two space battles with a scouting flying saucer. The struggle evidently continues in further episodes.
Review Reminiscent of Cyborg 009 whose creator Ishinomori had the original concept, but seems to have made even less use of a science adviser. The implausible script may amuse 21st century viewers in ways not originally intended.
Credits Dir: Yugo Serikawa, Takeshi Tamiya, Tomoharu Katsumata, Michiru Takeda, YasuoYamagachi.
Scr: Kazuhiko Kojima, Hiroshi Ozawa, Minoru Hamada, Hiroaki Hayashi, Michio Suzuki
Des: Studio Zero
Ani: Yoichi Otabe, Keishiro Kimura, Tetsuhiro Wakabayashi, Shinya Takahashi
Mus: Koichi Fukube.
Prod: Toei, Studio Zero, NET.
Original manga: Shotaro Ishimori (Ishinomori)
Planning: Takashi Iijima, Hiroshi Onozawa, Takasu Saito, Katsuyuki Onuma
Scenario: Kazuhiku Kojima, Hajime Yamanaka, Hiroshi Ozawa
Technical Directors: Yugo Serikawa, Takeshi Tamiya, Yoshio Mano

Cast: Robin: Kyoko Satomi
Liki: Noriko Shindou
Bell: Keiko Nakamura
Pegasus: Nobuaki Sekine
Wolf: Yoshikazu Sakurai
Professor: Kosei Yagi
Benkei: Setsuo Shinoda.
Episodes 48
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1966-04-23
Production Toei, Studio Zero, NET.
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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