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Title (English) Android Casshan
Title (Japanese) Shinzou Ningen Casshan

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes aka Jinzo Ningen Caaahan, Android Casshan 35 eps. colour.
ANN lists 38 episode titles - apparently the last 3 were not broadcast.
(Entry in Clements and McCarthy "Anime Encyclopedia")
Classification -
Synopsis As an artificial human project hears completion, robot BK-1 is activated early by a lightning strke that damages its sense of morals. BK-1, far too well-made for its original purpose of restoring an environmentally damaged world, is immensely strong, armed with a death ray, and almost indestructible. Before long, it is leading a group of killer robots in the attempted destruction of the human world, and seeking to find and attack its creator. Its remorseful creator Professor Azuma Kotaro cybernetically augments his son, Tetsuya to fight them. The dog Lucky, turned into the Cyborg dog Friender, assists him, and his mother is later turned into Swanee, the electronic swan.
Credits Dir: Hiroshi Sasakawa, Series Director Takao Koyama
Scr: Junzo Toriumi, Akiyoshi Sakai, Takao Koyama, Toshio Nagata. (Akiyoshi Sakai, Hiroshi Sasagawa, Naoko Miyake ep.1)
Storyboard: Yoshiyuke Tomino
Episode Director (ep.#1) Yoshiyuki Tomino, Yuji Nunokawa.
Des: Tatsuo Yoshida, Yoshitaka Amano
Ani: Masayuki Hayashi, Chuichi Iguchi
Ani: (ep#1) Hiroshi Kawabata.
Prod: (ep#1) Ippei Kuri, Kenji Yoshida
Mus: Shunsuke Kikuchi, inc op & ed. songs
Op/ED songs performed by Isao Sasaki.
Prod: Tatsunoko, Fuji TV
Creator: Tatsuo Yoshida

Cast: Tetsuya Azama (Casshan): Ikuo Nishikawa
Luna Kozuki: Emiko Tsukada
Midori Azuma: Reiko Mutou
Prof. Kotaro Azuma: Masato Yamanouchi
Friender: Shouji Katou
Braiking Boss: Kenji Utsumi
Barashin: Kazuya Tatekabe
Narrator: Gorou Naya
Episodes 35
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1973 Oct 2
Production Tatsunoko, Fuji TV
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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