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Title (English) Vexille
Title (Japanese) Vexille - 2077 Nippon Sakoku

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Movie, 2007, 109 mins.
Classification SF
Synopsis In an alternate 21st century, Japan's scientists have perfected the art of biotechnology and robotics, its benefits extending the lifespans of all humans. However, the United Nations deemed the advanced technology a dangerous threat and started strict surveillance on Japan. The government of Japan refused to abide by UN's demands to halt research. In the year 2067 Japan left the UN and isolated itself totally, with visual and other surveillance being blocked. Ten years later, an American special forces unit by the name of SWORD, led by its female commander named Vexille, are sent to uncover the current status of the isolated Japan, after the country makes some worrying moves. They discover a shocking secret.
Review The high-budget animation is quite impressive, both in the spectacular action sequences, and in the effort made to realistically animate the human characters. True, the humans still look a bit androidal, but their appearance may come as a revelation to fans who have been watching TV anime. Vexille has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in an anime character.
There's an action scene with a 'wow' factor early on when a swarm of beautifully detailed small robots scuttle into action, and another involving an aircraft, and later on there are some giant worms of swirling metal fragments that are an impressive piece of animation. (actually they remind one of the giant sandworms in "Dune") The secret that the SWORD team and their technical backup uncover in Japan comes as a big and genuine surprise.

On the minus side, some elements of the script are obviously there just to make it more exciting, and one or two characters get killed off not for any sensible reason but just to tidy things up. Overall though, it's a movie well worth buying, especially if you can get it for a mere 5 UKP as I did.

Credits Dir: Fumihiko Sori
Scr: Fumihiko Sori, Haruka Handa
Music: various inc. Paul Oakenfold
Prod: Avex Entertainment and others.
Release US,UK,EU: DVD & Blu-Ray
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2007
Animation Oxybot
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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