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Title (English) Welcome to the Space Show
Title (Japanese) Uchu Sho e Youkoso

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Movie, 136 mins.
UK DVD/Blu-Ray scheduled for mid-2012.
Classification SF
Synopsis Five children living in a rural Japanese commnity are allowed to make a summer camp by themselves at their school. While looking for an escaped rabbit, they find an injured dog and take it back to the school for treatment. The dog starts to talk, and says that it is not a dog, but an alien called Pochi. As a reward, Pochi takes them on a trip to the Moon, which turns out to have a vast alien city on the far side. Another plot element is that various aliens are desperate to get "Zughaan" - actually wasabi root, a common Japanese snack, and in an effort to stop this trade, travel to Earth is blocked, stranding the chldren. Further complications with the Zughaan pirates involve the Space Show, a travelling TV variety show.
Review The story feels fresh and inventive, and the designs of the alien cities look really impressive. The talking dog is a great character, and the movie is quite funny, with a fast-moving storyline.
The script isn't too childish, and deals quite intelligently with tensions between the characters. The kids are quite cute. One is reminded briefly of the Miyazaki movies, but this is a funnier and more edgy product than any of them. One's main grumble is about the length, for at 136 minutes of busy screen action I'd have found it exhausting to watch at one sitting.

The movie will be available on blu-ray & DVD sometime in 2012. Buy.

Credits Director: Koji Masunari
Screenplay: Hideyuki Kurata
Music: Yoshihiro Ike
Original creator: Besame Mucho
Character Design: Masashi Ishihama
Art Director: Kazuo Ogura
Animation Director: Masashi Ishihama
Release UK: DVD/Blu-Ray
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2010-02-18
Production Aniplex, A-1 Pictures, Dentsu
Animation A-1 Pictures
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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