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Title (English) Chihaya furu
Title (Japanese) Chihayafuru

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Classification -
Synopsis The heroine, Chihaya, is a beautiful, confident and strong-willed girl who is fascinated by the card-game karuta. In this, a poem is read out, and the players have to grab the card with the second verse on it. On starting at a new school she tries to start a karuta club, but with seemingly little success. She also re-encounters a boy, Taichi, who was in her class at elementary school and is rather disappointed to find that his interest in the game has waned. In an extended flash-back we learn how Chihaya became interested in karuta. A poor and unpopular boy, Arata, reveals his passion for karuta and fires Chihaya's interest in it. The younger Taichi bullies Arata, angering Chihaya.

Chihaya's sister is a model, and Chihaya hopes for her sister's success, but Atata tells her she should have a dream for herself.

In the first part of the series Chihaya looks for Arata and makes efforts to establish her karuta club.

Review We are told that Chihaya, despite being a bijin is not popular with boys, but the first episode fails to show me why. Seemingly the immature and idealizing minds of teenage boys are to blame. Does Chihara like being sociable? This is left unclear. Chihaya's sister is a model, but Arata tells Chihaya that she should have a dream for herself.

I'd never heard of karuta, so I Googled it a few days ago. Seems there are many karuta variants, and the poem-based 100-card game in the anime is one possible variant. Some viewers may assume that the fast and violent card-flicking action shown in the series is an anime exaggeration, but a clip I saw of a real tournament indicates that it probably isn't.

In the first week of the season, only with Chihaya furu did I experience the excitement of seeing a show I might actually want to watch. In the following episodes it lives up to that promise.

Credits Director: Morio Asaka
Music: Kousuke Yamashita
Original creator: Yuki Suetsugu
Character Design: Kunihiko Hamada
Art Director: Tomoyuki Shimizu
Episodes 12
Release Streamed on WWW
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2011-10-04
Production NTV, VAP
Broadcaster Fukuoka, NTV
Animation Madhouse
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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