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Title (English) Fairy Musketeers
Title (Japanese) Otogi Jushi Akazukin

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes There was an earlier OVA of the same title. See also "Akazukin ChaCha" (Red Riding Hood Cha Cha) which may be related in theme.
Classification -
Synopsis A young boy, Souta, has disturbing dreams in which he is rescued from a monster by a small girl in a red hat. His mother has told him bed-time tales of twin worlds, one being ruled by science, the other by magic. All too soon the dream starts turning into reality, as Souta finds himself pursued in his own world as the key to a magical power struggle. A monster attacks him and he is rescued by Akazukin and her wolf-companion, Val.

Souta's fiercely possessive would-be girlfriend, Ringo, is less than pleased by Akazukin's arrival, and still less when another magical girl, Shirayuki-hime, appears.

Review The character names are ripped off from various European fairy tales, and in general bear little connection to the original characters. Akazukin, (= Red Riding Hood) is a warrior girl accompanied by a blue-furred wolf. Shirayuki-hime, (= Snow-White) here is one of the three fairy Musketeers, a skilled magic user, much more intellectual than Akazukin, if a bit full of herself.

On the side of evil are Cendrillon (= Cinderella) a young sorceress with long dark hair and a husky voice, and a fondness for mirrors, Randagio, (= Puss in Boots), a bad cat, and Hansel, a sinister young wizard.

It's clearly intended for younger viewers, being both cute and wholesome, but I enjoyed the characterisations of the grumpy wolf, the rather ineffectual bad cat, and the delicious Shirayuki-hime. Ringo (curiously named, it means "apple") is that anime stereotype, the possessive would-be girlfriend, who keeps calling round to make sure Souta gets up in time for school, and to bring him snacks. Souta himself is rather a nonentity, but the vividness of the other characters make up for it.

If you enjoy light anime in which small girls beat up monsters, you should like this one.

This anime exists in two versions, an OVA from 2005, and a TV reworking (2006-2007). Character designs are identical.

Credits Director: Takaaki Ishiyama
Screenplay: Mitsutaka Hirota, Yuuko Kakihara
Music: Toshio Masuda
Original Concept: Shougo Kumasaka (Konami)
Original Character Design: Akihito Tsukushi, Kazumi Tokusa
Art Director: Akira Suzuki
Chief Animation Director: Tomoki Mizuno
Art design: Yuji Ikehata
Sound Director: Kazuya Tanaka
Episodes 39
Release streamed on WWW
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 2006-07-01
Production Konami
Broadcaster TV Tokyo, TV Aichi,TV Osaka etc
Animation Madhouse
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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