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Title (English) Mad Bull 34
Title (Japanese) Mad Bull 34

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes MAD BULL 34 #1 (Manga Video, 49 mins, cert.18, £9.99)
Classification -
Review Part 1 of a four part cop thriller, set in a New York precinct where all forms of crime and Mafia turf wars are rife. Eager new recruit Diazaburo, a Japanese-American, joins the force and is partnered with an experienced cop known because of his shoot first and ask questions later tactics as 'Mad Bull' . In an action-packed first episode, Mad Bull survives an attempt by an evil black thug, Curtis, to assassinate him, is seen collecting money from the local whores, and is the subject of a police investigation. This is very average stuff and will appeal most to those who don't mind political incorrectness, tasteful nudity, sexual exploitation or excessive violence. The version you will see has been cut for the British censor. (**) MAD BULL 34 #2, (Manga Video, 47 mins, cert.18, £9.99) This contains few surprises for those who have seen part 1. In this one, a new, attractive policewoman is transferred to the precinct amid varying reactions. Seemingly Mad Bull knows her. Diazaburo is smitten by love, and a corrupt detective dislikes her. A new drugs baron moves into the area and the action is fast and er, violent. In short, the same naff, sexist and over-violent stuff as last time. Though the animation of the principal characters' faces is quite good. MAD BULL 34 #4 (Manga Video, 50 mins, cert. 18, £9.99) In this episode a cop-killer is on the loose, and offs eight 34th Precinct cops in the first few minutes. The killer turns out to look just like a cheaper monochrome version of the Gyyver, and seems strangely reluctant to kill Sleepy and Diazaburo on sight, though it has fewer inhibitions about the SWAT team and their helicopters. Belief is totally suspended by the Guyver clone and the dim and predictable plot. The sex scene was alright though. By far the best part of the tape is the promotional trailer for Manga Videos in general, and three forthcoming Lupin III titles in particular. This totally outclasses the amateurish promos on Pioneer , Kiseki and Western Connection tapes; indeed in surround sound it's so good as to evoke visions of glassy-eyed kids stumbling down to the video stores. "You WILL buy these videos."
Episodes 4
Release UK:VHS
TV Showing See the whole series for free? This series may be syndicated to regional cable, satellite or terrestial TV stations. For Europe click here.
Date 1990
References & Help Look up the latest data on this title at:
Richard Llewellyn's Animated Divots, or
Anime News Network (see Encyclopedia section) ,
or in "The Anime Encyclopedia" (Clements & McCarthy, Stone Bridge Press, 2001).
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