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Title (English) Joan
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Three volumes.
Manga author/artist Yoshikazu Yasuhiko
Date 2001
Publisher ComicsOne
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.) 1-58899-092-3
Pages 230
Price $14.95
Size 15x21 cm.
Synopsis Emil (Emily) is the daughter of the Duke of Lorraine. Baudricourt, her stepfather, brought her up as a boy for reasons of security. It is nine years since Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in Rouen, and the Hundred years War is in its final stage. The Lords distrusted the timid king , Charles, and the dauphin Louis (an unpleasant young man) took advantage of this situation to start a rebellion against his father. Emil has visions of Joan of Arc and seems somehow linked to Joan in the minds of those who see her. Tomboyish and good-looking, Emil has various adventures and carries out various diplomatic missions in her male role. In the third volume, Emil, accompanying the King's army, is given Joan's flag. The Dauphin tries to set the place of battle by siezing the King's mistress, Agnes, but is eventually defeated. On a further mission, Emil is detained and handed over to the Dauphin. Emil is befriended by Louis' Scots child-bride, but after an escape attempt the Dauphin has a hot ending prepared for Emil.
Review All the artwork of this edition is coloured, and the storytelling is quite lively. The author apears to have throughly immersed himself in the history of the period. However it struck me as an obvious attempt to exploit the fame of Joan of Arc. I don't know where this was first published, but it feels like it is aimed at the shoujo audience. Fans of "Rose of Versailles" and its ilk may want to check this series out. On the basis of the third volume I felt that the art and story were both average stuff.
References ComicsOne are a new American publisher with a range of manga titles.


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