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Title (English) Tomie
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes There are three volumes available: Tomie 1, Tomie 2 and Flesh-Coloured Horror. All are volumes of short manga stories.
Manga author/artist Junji Ito
Date 2000
Publisher ComicsOne
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.) 1-58899-084-2
Pages 254
Price $9.95
Size 13x18 cm.
Synopsis Tomie is a schoolgirl. She's lovely, but anyone who gets mixed up with her soon wishes they hadn't. Besotted men find they want to kill her, but this just makes things worse. Even when Tomie is chopped to bits, the parts regenerate. And if her organs are used for a transplant, that's even worse... "Tomie" keeps reappearing in different locations. How many of her are there?
Review I enjoyed the first two volumes. It's mild horror compared with some of what's out there, and not sexually explicit. Some of the stories are set in and around school, some in the countryside, and some in a hospital or other institution. The art is adequate for the job rather than outstanding. Its failing to my mind is that Tomie is supposed to be very pretty, but she just looks rather heavy-jawed. Only on the frontispiece (b/w) and the rear cover (colour) does she look attractive.


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