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Title (English) Kabuto
Title (Japanese) Karasutengu Kabuto

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Manga author/artist Buichi Terasawa
Date 2001
Publisher ComicsOne
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.) 1-5899-121-0
Pages 250
Price $11.95
Size 13x18 cm.
Synopsis In a world of war, blood and supernatural powers, two dynasties battle for supremacy. On the side of evil, Kuroyasha Douki has removed the spells closing the gates to the dark world, allowing demons to invade this world and work for him. On the side of good, Kabuto of the Tengu has a special evil sword, the "Flying Dragon" , one Red Tengu, and the support of the four gods of Eastern folklore, Genbu, Seiryuu, Byakko, and Suzaku. Here, Byakko is a bandit chief, Suzaku is a woman, Seiryuu is a youth, and Genbu is an iron man with a club.
Review This is complete nonsense, but it's huge fun. The setting is basically medaeval Japan, but there are touches of deliberate anachronism - the evil castle appears to be mounted on caterpillar tracks for instance, and the Dragon Manji Ship when it appears turns out to be jaw-droppingly hi-tech . The art is good, and the excitement and action never lets up, with our heroes constantly on the point of vistory or defeat. I can't compare this with anything else - Terasawa has made this mish-mash of legend, history, and technology his own.


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