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Title (English) Virgin Mary is Watching You
Title (Japanese) Maria-sama ga Miteru

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes This is a review of the Lilicious scanlation of the manga. The stories originally appeared as novels, and have also appeared as an anime series.
Manga author/artist Nagisawa Satoru
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 0
Synopsis Nice but average schoolgirl Yumi, 16 years old, attends the posh Lilian Girl's School, a Japanese Catholic institution where the girls are expected to behave like ladies at all times. Student affairs are run by the curious but benign system of "Roses" in which there are three "Rose" groups in the student body, each with a principal, and a deputy or 'en bouton' . The 'en bouton' is also known as a 'petit soeur' and is the deputy, and will be leader next year.
Any senior girl could have a 'petit soeur' and the 'boutons' generally do, so there is a 3x3 formation of Roses, Boutons and Petit Soeurs in the student council. I hope that's clear...

Yumi is a 'fan' of the Rosa Chinensis en Bouton, Sachiko, a beautiful, elegant and talented older girl. Much of the early action is to do with how these two meet, and whether, or how, Sachiko is to make Yumi her 'petit soeur'.

Review If you've seen the anime, the characters in the manga, and the story, are instantly recognisable. There is no very significant deviation between the anime and manga stories.
As you can probably see, the artwork is rather pretty.

It's a lively story - unusually for this sort of thing, nobody is trying to be horrible to anyone else, and it's more of a Jane Austen - like dance of characters involved in complex social interactions. Not that there isn't a certain amount of drama in it too. There is quite a lot about the 'petit soeur' relationship between pairs of girls, and a competition which ends with the winners dating the girls they particularly admire - some people may be thinking of the "L- word" but there is only one genuine lesbian in the story, and it isn't Yumi or Sachiko.

As one might expect of a manga based on a series of novels, the script is exceptionaly good. Recommended. (GC)

References Froma novel series by Konno Oyuki.


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