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Title (English) Wandering Son
Title (Japanese) Hourou Musuko

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Long-running series in Comic Beam magazine, still appearing in Japan. Reports of an anime for 2010/11 winter season, also a US publication of the first volume, set for early 2011.

Same mangaka as Aoi Hana.

Manga author/artist Shimura Takako
Date 2003
Publisher Enterbrain,inc.
Edn. Language Jap/Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 0
Synopsis Shuuichi Nitori is an elementary school student who likes to bake and has always been something of a feminine boy. When he transfers to junior high school, Shuuichi is mistaken for his older sister on his first day. Then he ends up sitting next to Yoshino Takatsuki, a tall, boyish girl who everyone calls "Takatsuki-kun." They both have secrets they can't let anyone know... Nitori is increasingly drawn to cross-dressing as a girl, while Takatsuki really wants to be a boy. On occasions they go out in the city dressed as an inverted "couple". Nitori's sister is outraged and disgusted on finding out about Nitori's cross-dressing.

As the story progresses through several volumes, Nitori's cross-dressing becomes more widely recognised, attracting predictable responses, but also resulting in cross-dressing being regarded in the school in a more tolerant light. The attitudes of various other characters are explored, and an adult cross-dressing couple is introduced.

Review As one would expect from the creator of "Aoi Hana", this is a well-crafted slice of life drama. The subject of cross-dressing is explored with sensitivity. Where I have a problem with it is that the indicated ages of the young characters don't seem to match with their feelings and attitudes. Starting junior high school and starting to go through puberty, they don't seem of an age to display the maturity of behaviour assigned to them in the manga.

Among the secondary characters, Nitori's sister works part-time as a teenage magazine model (an occupation that figures repeatedly in manga and anime these days.) The models have a mixed response to Nitori's cross-dressing.

I suspect that the ages of the characters may cause outrage among those who enounter the manga with a negative and judgemental attitude. I'd be interested to see if the publishers of the forthcoming US edition sidestep this by "aging up" the characters.

References The Amazon online retailer is listing the first book of Takako Shimura's Wandering Son as a December 22, 2010 release from Fantagraphics Books in the United States.


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