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Title (English) President is a maid
Title (Japanese) Kaichou wa Maid-sama!

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Also known as "Maid-sama!". Published in LaLa magazine (11 tankuobon) also licensed by Tokyopop (8x GN).

Also an anime.

Manga author/artist Hiro Fujiwara
Date 2005
Publisher Hakusensha
Edn. Language Jap/Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 192
Price $10.99
Synopsis In a high school recently turned from all-boy to coed, Misaki Ayuzawa, chairwoman of student council, battles "stinky and dirty" male students every day to protect the few (20%) females in school. Off campus, she works hard at a maid cafe to supplement the income of her household (as well as leftover foods) after her father had deserted the family -- whose action contributed to her hatred toward males. However, Takumi Usui, a handsome guy (and a heartbreaker of many girls) accidentally found out her double identities. She thought the entire school would know by the next morning, yet he kept her secret away from others, making her even more suspicious of his motives.
Review I only read sections of the manga, enough to see that the animation differs somewhat in style from the manga, and probably does not follow the manga exactly.

Clearly a popular manga.

References Maid-sama! from Tokyopop, r.r.p. $10.99


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