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Title (English) Blade of the Immortal
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Blade of the Immortal, Genius #1,p.1. Dialogue (starts on pages 4,5 for a different scene)
(a man is using a Japanese sword to flick paint around the room.)
Tatsu: Father, you've got a visitor.
Sori: Damm... not this color, either.
Tatsu: I've said it before, but.. can't you just sit and paint like everyone else, Father? I mean, you've mastered this 'swordpainting' stuff by now.
Manga author/artist Hiroaki SAMURA
Publisher Dark Horse Comics
Edn. Language
ISBN (review vol.) 1-56971-239-5
Pages 192
Price $12.95
Size 15x21cm
Synopsis The master of a sword school is murdered by a gang of road-punk samurai. Aided by a swordsman who cannot die, his daughter seeks revenge. Get original scan (higher resolution, 150K)
Review This manga, translated into English by Dana Lewis and Toren Smith, is a real find, with artwork to die for, a good story full of drama and human interest, and a set of characters a bit different from those in the usual samurai drama. The translation preserves the mixture of linguistic styles used in the original. Some characters speak in the mannered style of old Japan, while others speak more like modern street punks.
In the previous volume, the master of a sword school is murdered by a gang of road-punk samurai. It turns out that the reason is a feud of an earlier generation, started when an acolyte of humble origin was expelled from a sword school for omitting to use the proper form when defending his master from a gang of attackers. In the second story, the murdered man's daughter takes up the feud.
I have updated these details to indicate the graphic novel edition (pages not numbered); see also the excellent Blade website.


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