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Title (English) Blue-Green Years, the
Title (Japanese) Mizuiro Jidai

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Vol.4, page 93: Dialogue, from top left.
Girl: But it's co-education! It's natural to associate with them. You meet every day on the train. 
Girl: I'm not seeing honesty about this boy. Hee hee. I will get the truth about this!
Tr. by GC.

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I've given Mizuiro Jidai the English-languge title used by the Techno-girls for their subtitled edition of the anime adaptation.

Manga author/artist Yuu YABUUCHI
Publisher Flower Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-09-134134-9
Pages 190
Price Y390
Size 11x18 cm
It's a story of junior high-school life.

Review The title refers to the colour of the school uniform (and, in typical Japanese punning fashion, probably other things as well.) As far as I know, there isn't any fantasy in it at all.  The heroine, Kawai Yuuko, (shown with dark hair and ribbon) is a typical schoolgirl, but her friend Taka-chan (shown with fair hair, on right) is a more unruly sort. The story concerns school activities and, apparently, the stirrings of feminine interest towards various boys. [The fansub reveals that this is a fascinating and sensitively written story about teenagers. Subject matter includes the notorious 'menstruation' episode.] The heroine has the same first name as the mangaka; we can make what we will of that.
References Also a TV anime series.


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