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Title (English) Calm
Title (Japanese) Nagi

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes A: What time was the telephone call?
That's strange,the school's not open
Yes, this...(illeg)
A:Yes, what's it mean? Only one person here.
B: 3 days ago 1 person (illeg.) Where does he/she live?
B:The reason.. didn't go to the school
B: Clothes gone, expression on face. Because of the time interval it wasn't necessary to go to the school
Tr. by GC
Manga author/artist Rinko NAGAMI
Date 1989
Publisher Horror House Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-8033-2366-6
Pages 220
Price Y500
Size 12x17cm
Review I think I am correct in calling this a shoujo horror manga, as all the main characters are female and if it were shonen it would undoubtedly be a lot more unpleasant. The artwork is quite interesting, though it does have rather a lot of staring eyes. And the story looks like it drags in all the Haunted House of Horror cliches. (GC).


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