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Title (English) Countdown: Sex Bombs
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Countdown: Sex Bombs #4,p.10. The last frame of the story.
The balloons at the bottom say:"B-but..No,wait! I.. Hold on..! I,uh..Um..I can explain!

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Adults Only

Manga author/artist Hiroyuki Utatane
Date 1996
Publisher Eros Comics/Studio Proteus
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 32
Price $2.95
Size 17x24 cm
Synopsis An erotic comic in which two persons of questionable gender do naughty adult things in the toilets of a disco.
Review An erotic comic in which two persons of questionable gender do naughty adult things in the toilets of a disco. The artwork is very stylish, without anything crassly explicit, and the story, as the sample above shows, has some wit. The second half has wordless drawings in a style clearly imitative of silk screen paintings, and which on closer inspection prove to be slightly erotic. Very fine. The only thing that mars this little volume is the ads for other Eros comics and dodgy phone lines.
Buy this only if you don't have any inhibitions re. evading your local thought police.


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