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Title (English) Dance Till Tomorrow
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Dance Till Tomorrow,Pulp v2#2, p.35

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Contains adult situations.

Manga author/artist Naoki YAMAMOTO
Date 1990
Publisher Viz
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.) 1-56931-668-6 (vol #4)
Pages 208
Price $15.95
Size 14x21 cm.
Synopsis For most Japanese university students, University provides a fairly relaxed interlude between cram school and Work, in which they can make time for various hobbies. Young Suekichi is a member of a theatre troupe. He attends his great-grandad's funeral, and doesn't remember anything about it, except that his relatives kept filling his glass with drink. He wakes with a huge hangover, to find a sexy girl in his room, and very soon gets a visit from a lawyer who reminds him about their 'discussion' of the previous day. The attorney acquaints him with the contents of the will, under which Suekichi inherits a stamp collection worth 450 million yen ($4.5 million), on condition that he finishes college, gets married, and establishes a career.
But just who is the sexy Aya, who keeps hanging around Suekichi, and whose identity is such a mystery, and who refuses to go away? It's not hard to guess what she is after!
Review In refreshing contrast to manga like Video Girl Ai and Fushigi Yuugi, where the characters often seem about to do 'It' but never do, in this manga they do! This is very pleasantly drawn and is the freshest and most interesting story in Pulp (GC).
References English version originally serialised in Viz's "Pulp", now available as graphic novel series (vols 1-4...)


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