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Title (English) Do-P-Kan
Title (Japanese) do-pi-kan

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes p.282, Dialogue, from top left (previous page) BR>(A young man (an artist) has asked her if she can spin her skirt around.)

Girl :I'll try it.
Like this?
How's this? Is this okay?

(on this page she realises that she's shown her panties...)
(Tr. by G.C.)

Manga author/artist
Date 1992
Publisher Young Magazine
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Review This looks like a school story, probably a romance, with no obvious fantasy elements. (Note this is the only panty shot in the whole episode. It just caught our attention when we were looking for an image to scan. Our feeble excuse is that it's quite nicely drawn.) Note that the girl is wearing trainers with her school uniform.
References DO-P-KAN (do pi kan ) vol.8 by (?),
Published in Young Magazine no 51 (Dec.1992)


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