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Title (English) Earthian
Title (Japanese) a-shian (Earthian)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Page 104. Dialogue, from top left:

Chihaya: Ouchy... Kagetsuya, you're so mean...
Kagetsuya: What're you doing... get up from there.
Chihaya: Don't say it like it was simple! I can't get up! (And in a place like this...)
Kagetsuya: Fly, then
Chihaya: Eh? What if someone sees me? (We won't just be chewed out if that happens)

(Tr. by Matthew J. Francis.)

Manga author/artist Jun KOUGA
Date 1988
Publisher Wings Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) ISBN 4-403-61154-0
Pages 192
Price Y490
Size 11x18 cm.
Synopsis This is about two "angels" or aliens who are sent to Earth to judge whether mankind, the "Earthians" of the title, are fit to survive.
Review The artwork is quite prettily done in a distinctly shoujo style, and the anime storylines probably don't follow the manga that closely. The manga has a much more obvious shoujo look than the anime.
The artwork is worth a look, and the covers are beautiful, but it is not possible to make anything of the story without a translation. (GC).
References See also my notes on the anime version. (3 anime OVA episodes.)


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