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Title (English) Eccentrics
Title (Japanese) Eccentrics

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Eccentrics #1,p.43: Dialogue (from top left)
Senju: Er..
Guy: How are you?
Senju: Um..
Guy: Is your head swimming?
Senju: Um..
Guy: Let's go! It's today, isn't it?
4 volumes.
Manga author/artist Sakumi Yoshino
Date 1994
Publisher Bouquet Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 186
Price Y550
Size 15x21cm.
Synopsis A story about a schoolgirl who runs away from home.
Review This is a shoujo-manga intended, presumably, for women or older girls and has a charming story about a schoolgirl who runs away from home, buys a picture "E" for Y30,000 (about $300 or £200), falls off a train platform, bangs her head, and is rescued by a scruffy stranger. After a psychiatric investigation she is returned home to her over=protective mother but still hopes to see her new boyfriend. Some of the professionals Senju meets do seem, well, eccentric... Synopsis of vol.1.
The art is most attractive and the text, for those who can follow it, has some insights on the Kyoto art scene. (GC).


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