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Title (English) Kamui, The legend of
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Image shows Kamui & Sugaru
Manga author/artist Sanpei Shirato
Publisher Viz Graphic Novel
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 264
Price $16.95
Size 14x21cm.
Synopsis The manga is set in the turbulent Meiji period, when Japan was being opened up to the West and the Shogunate was about to be overthrown. (Please note that the Kamui anime is completely unconnected, though set in the same period.) The hero, Kamui, has escaped from a ninja clan, who are determined to hunt him down and punish his desertion with death. In his flight he meets other renegade ninja.
Review This is a republication of one of the first manga published in graphic novel format in the West, and long out of print. The packaging is somewhat different, which may confuse anyone seeking to complete a set. (For the information of collectors, the two "Perfect Collection" volumes = the original two Viz volumes which had Chapters 1-4 and 5-7)
This is a very fine manga, and as well as a great, dramatic story, it has artwork that complements the story, vividly depicting the life of the fisherfolk in the remote islands with a very physical feeling. Far from being just another chop-em-up adventure, it shows a respect for Japanse history and a vision of the problems that have always plagued human life: oppression, the injustice of the social order, and the quest for meaning & happiness.(GC).


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