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Title (English) Kimagure Orange College
Title (Japanese) none

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Text, from top left
This & the following pages show Madoka moving into her student accomodation.

KIMAGURE ORANGE COLLEGE vol.2 (This was bought at Comiket, from representatives of its production team, but it's an American pseudomanga!).

Manga author/artist
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Synopsis This continues the story of Kasuga Kyousuke and Ayakawa Madoka in their early days at college. They don't get rooms together or even close to each other. Weak-willed Kyousuke meets another girl and promptly gets hooked by her, with results I don't need to explain, even less if you know the original story (a love triangle in which Kyousuke can't choose between his supposed girlfriend and his secret love). I don't think there's any magical stuff in KOC, unlike the original stories.
Review The pages aren't numbered, so it takes a while to figure that one is probably supposed to read from the back. This isn't quite as good as the original, but if you liked the original and like the idea of continuations, you might enjoy it. There are also two short-novel continuations in Japanese (fan translations available) which depict the characters after college and in at least one of them Kyousuke and Madoka have an adult relationship (and that's not a plot spoiler). Having read the latter two in translation I wouldn't say that "Kimagure Orange College" is any worse.(GC).


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