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Title (English) Kirara
Title (Japanese) Kirara

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Kirara #2,p.97. Dialogue (from top left)
Girl 1:Eimi!
Eimi:If I was Kirara, I'd be brilliant,
but in the matter of Konpe-kun, please....
Girl 1:In this matter I'm divided in what to say..
Manga author/artist YUI Toshiki
Date 1993
Publisher Young Jump Comics Special
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-08-861236-1 (vol #1)
Pages 210
Price Y500
Size 15x21cm
Synopsis The story is as follows: everyday schoolboy Konpei thinks he is falling in love with the new girl at school. He knows he is, because his bedroom is currently haunted by an older version of the same girl, who claims that she died on their wedding day, eigth years in the future, and that only his intervention can prevent it. (J.S.,Mangamax #14).
Review Kirara is a nice girl with big breasts and a habit of slipping out of her clothes often, as though she forgets that she's under-dressed. It looks like fairly innocent stuff, and quite funny. The artwork is very good, with bold clear drawings.
But you'd buy this to look at the pictures. I don't know of any translation.


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