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Title (English) Kiss
Title (Japanese) KISSxxxx

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Kiss #1, p.8: Dialogue, from top left:
Guy 1: Hey, who's that over there?
Guy 2: Um, is it Kameno-chan's nature
to poke his nose in?
Guy 1: Well
Guy: They are probably people who heard
about Kanon. (ha ha idiots eh?)
Girl: But just a minute, we're persistent.
(Well, this ....Kanon. (illeg.)
Guy 1:Hm,so that's it. (Tr. by GC.)
Manga author/artist Maki Kusumoto
Date 1989
Publisher Margaret Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-08-849518-7
Pages 125
Price Y410
Size 15x21 cm.
Synopsis A very very sweet love story between a gothic band singer and his bandmate's sister.
Review KISS. This series has not as far as I know been translated. There are rumours of an anime version. It's a shojo-style story about two girls who follow punk rock bands and the art is rather 'gothic' in style, and it seems to be a gentle comedy. Worth a look if you like the art or can follow the text. (GC).


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