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Title (English) Lips of Sakura
Title (Japanese) Sakura no Kuchibiru

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Manga author/artist YORITA Saemi
Edn. Language
ISBN (review vol.)
Price Y600
Review Sakura no Kuchibiru (Lips of Sakura)
by YORITA Saemi
Ookura shuppan, Y600 (
It's a collection of shorts, 4 about high school boys and 1 about
a cat and his master (^^;), Yorita did some of june type mags published
by Ookura shuppan.
My overall impression of her works is soft. It's sweet but not to make
me puke. Her drawing fits in this description as well with sensitive
thin lines, somewhat arounder forms and less use of flashy tone effects.
Here her biginner's unstable lines adds more to it as well. In all
softness and sweetness are this sting or a shiver to tighten stories.
In the title manga, a freshman (10th grade) Sakura (family name) became
very close to a cool senior Hozumi. It was love in the first sight for
Hozumi and goes to where his desire leads him with Saura who clearly
shows his affection to Hozumi. But Sakura can't accept it, or at least
that how he thinks he feels, or was he? The way Sakura's struggling with
his confusion is very nice, especially when he tries Hozumi to back up by
being rude. He knows what he's about to do to Hozumi, but doesn't want
to face it, so that wonders his mind to distruct himself.
This is as far as I can go for a day. This is very biased. For those
who want to know Japanese infos, e.i. titles, manga-ka names, please send
me an e-mail.
Mikiko "how much I hate kanso-buns..."
(Mikiko Yoshida)


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