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Title (English) Magic User's Club
Title (Japanese) Mahou tsukai Tai!

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Vol.1; Page 96: Dialogue, from top left
Magic - it reacted to my voice. 
Note by flower: But Ryoko is wrong 
But find out the method. 
(Tr. by GC.
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Manga author/artist Tammy OHTA
Date 1996
Publisher Asuka Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-04-852674-X
Pages 196
Price Y505
Size 11x18 cm.
Synopsis It is a humorous story about a bunch of highly cute magicians trying to save the world. The five members of the Kitanohashi High School magic club fight the robot-space invaders. Note the pun in the title which could be translated as "I want to use magic" or as "Magician team".
Review Without some more research (which you could do yourself!) I can't tell you much more. The artwork is quite prettily done in a distinctly shoujo style.(GC).
References There is also an anime version. (See TV Anime). Also an OAV series??


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