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Title (English) Marmalade Boy
Title (Japanese) Marmalade Boy

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Marmalade Boy #2,p.136:Dialogue (from top left)
Is it alright to link our arms together?
Really I'd like to link arms but
we should wait two years until
your graduation.
Meiko: Yes

( GC)

Manga author/artist Yoshizumi Wataru
Date 1993
Publisher Ribon Mascot
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-08-853668-1 (vol #2)
Pages 180
Price Y390
Size 11x18 cm.
Synopsis School-age romance with some radical elements, i.e. co-habiting couples, step-sibling love, illicit teacher-pupil romance.
Review The animated version is becoming quite well known in fandom. In the manga original, the principal characters look exactly the same as on the TV and the anime story seems to have followed the manga. The opening episodes (of the anime) have a cracking good script, in which schoolgirl Miki discovers to her dismay that her parents intend to divorce, and swap partners with another couple, and that both couples plan to live scandalously together in one household. The other couple have a son, Yuu, the same age as Miki, and the story of the manga and anime concerns their home life, their efforts to conceal it from school, and various love triangles.
There are several older characters whose actions give a welcome change of tone, and the major strands of the plot concern the changing balance of relationship between Miki, Yuu, and her other admirer Ginta, and the effects of an illicit teacher/pupil romance between a handsome young teacher and Miki's best friend Meiko.
The artwork is OK but the story's the thing.
References Scripts & synopses available from Compuserve Comics Forum library, venice (ftp), etc.


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