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Title (English) We are Mint
Title (Japanese) Minto na Bokura

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Manga author/artist Yoshizumi Wataru
Publisher Ribon Mascot
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Price Y390
Synopsis Noel returns from spring vacation and is horrified to hear that his twin sister has been sent to another school (a boarding school) as a punishment for falling in love with someone. He doesn't want to be separated from his sister and wants to go to the same school. But there's only one place left: a room in the girl's dormitory. So he disguises himself as a girl, thereby creating a lot of confusion as he resembles his sister in his disguise.
References The translation of the first chapter of Mintna bokura (featured in the
monthly Ribon and made by Wataru Yosizumi, author of Marmalade Boy) is
now avalaible in the page I have for them (and this is translation, not
synopsis ^_-), you can find it and the synopsis of this and other chapters
at: here.

Enjoy! ^^ Zahara Medina


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