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Title (English) Mix Noise
Title (Japanese) Mix Noise

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Komatta Yuki-Chan, p.9. Dialogue (from top left)
-Harrassed Yuki-Chan;
Yuki-chan getting fat-

Note that she has tiny horns, just like Lum. The "ki" syllable of her name is written with the character for "oni" or devil.
1: Yuki's Summer
2: Yuki's poster gets stolen.
3: But strange obsession??
4: "Anyway I'm getting fat!" Swimsuit is changed for dress. Yuki never wore a swimsuit again.
Tr. by GC &YH

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MIX NOISE Animate Collection 13

Manga author/artist
Date 198?
Publisher Movic
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-943966-22-5
Pages 140
Price Y850
Size 15x21cm.
Review This is an anthology of unrelated manga items, which I found by chance. The illustration is taken from the only section in colour, which has twelve four-frame gag manga, all in SD style and about an idol singer, Saiko Yuki. I can't tell you a lot else, save that I believe there is a real singer of this name! It was worth buying the volume second-hand just to get the set shown below.



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