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Title (English) Ogre Slayer
Title (Japanese) Onikirimaru

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Ogre Slayer, Manga Vizions.v2,#11, p.59> (Tr. by Burke & Shikita)

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Manga author/artist Kei Kusonoki
Publisher Viz
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Synopsis A nameless young man wearing a winter school uniform wanders the land slaying ogres with his sword 'Ogre Slayer'. The ogres are called into being by humans uttering bad wishes or curses, and once in existence they cannot be sent back - except by 'Ogre Slayer'. The nameless hero never ages. He senses where an ogre attack is ocurring and suddenly appears. The ogre attacks are usually gruesome and very bloody.
Review This is an excellently drawn manga with some attractive images; it's also somewhat disturbing in its dark view of human nature; even nice high school girls can wish their granny was dead, and conjure up an ogre. Recommended.
References 24 page episode, Manga Vizions.vol.2 no.11.
There is also an anime.


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