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Title (English) Only Yesterday
Title (Japanese) Omohide Poroporo

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Omohide Poroporo #2,p.98. Dialogue (from top left)
(A ball has just hit the smaller girl.)
Girl:What do you think you're doing?
Boy: Clear off!
Girl: We're not disturbing the practice!
We're not going!
Boy: Here's the winning hand.
(Banner: Taeko's 100 faces.)
Manga author/artist Tone Yuuko /Okamoto Hotaru
Publisher Animage Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 138
Price Y390
Size 18x26 cm.
Synopsis The 27-years old Taeko decides to take a holiday at the country-side. But already when travelling there, Taeko starts to remember many things from her childhood in the 60's and those memories are carried over all her holidays.
This is a celebration of growing up in Japan in the sixties and of adult life somewhat later.
Review Also known by the English sub-title of "Only Yesterday" this is a celebration of growing up in Japan in the sixties and of adult life somewhat later. (The animated version covers both the heroine's childhood and her return to the country.) The first several volumes of manga cover the childhood period and are a classic of everyday life and a girl's childhood in Japan. It covers everything; from family life, to sanitary education at school, to the music and magazines consumed at the time. There are even headings showing the year and month in which each part of the story occurs. I have the impression that the series is much loved in Japan and you may find that various reissues of the manga exist.
So much for the story. If you have already seen the movie, the style of the manga art may come as a surprise and disappointment, as it's in a simple and child-like style. That's how it is, so don't buy it expecting great art. Buy it for the story. If you could read it, you'd love it too.
Scripts: I have not checked this out, but there is a well-distributed movie script and I'd be surprised if no manga script can be found on Venice etc.
References published by Tokuma Shoten, 3 volumes


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