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Title (English) One Room Story
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Vol #3, p.57, Text, from top left

Please (he removes head)
Youth:Two years ago Grandfather became ill.
Since three years ago I was studying pantomime, so I got a part-time job here. Grandfather asked about you.
(shows photo) This is you

(Tr. by G.C.)

Manga author/artist Hitomi SAKI
Publisher Business Jump Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-08-863183-8
Pages 126
Price Y410
Size 21x13 cm.
Review Subtitled "Urban Life Style" this is a series of short stories about young adults and their relationships in a modern urban setting. The art style is distinctive and the stories are relatively easy to follow. The stories are mostly amusing, revealing something of Japanese life, and there are a couple of comic self-portraits and comments from the mangaka. (GC).


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