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Title (English) Patlabor
Title (Japanese) patoreiba

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes #3, p.57, Text, from top left on previous page:
Noa Whether an image fluctuates or not I don't know
Noa My Ingram is improving! When I'm riding, evaluation by a human being is best!
(Tr. by G.C.)
Manga author/artist
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Synopsis Ground-breaking series about cops and their robots.
Review I'm not sure how this piece of manga fits into the Patlabor universe, but there it is. You need to get a copy in a language you understand, as the story is more interesting than the images alone. Patlabor is really about the cops rather than about their robots, just as other cop series aren't about police cars. Accordingly, there is only one image of a Patlabor robot in the whole of this episode.
Don't ask me what they are talking about in this scene...(GC).
References (Published in Shonen Sunday no. 24, 1992, and elsewhere.)
Also anime TV, movies, etc.


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