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Title (English) Ranma 1/2 (parody)
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Ranma 1/2, Dialogue, from top left:
Sorry, I'd like to translate this but the handwritten Japanese is hard to decipher and it would take me far too long to do.

From the doujinshi (fan magazine) CHANNEL RUMIKO XII

Manga author/artist
Date 1992
Publisher "Kyoto HQ of the Schutzstaffel"
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 186
Size 18x26 cm.
Synopsis (Vol. 12 of a fan club magazine devoted to the manga of RumikoTakahashi)
Review If you don't know yet who Rumiko TAKAHASHI is, then be advised that she is the creator of Ranma 1/2, Urusai Yatsura, Mermaid Forest, Laughing Target, Maison Ikkoku and other great manga series, most of which have now been adapted as anime. This substantial paperback volume contains a serious-looking article about the Laughing Target manga, with a frame-by frame discussion. There are also several more light-hearted fan parody manga strips, featuring characters from well-known Takahashi manga! Also included are fannish jottings, and many one-off drawings, including the inevitable Akane in a swimsuit, etc.
From the sample, judge for yourself how the art compares with that in the professional "telephone book" manga.


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