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Title (English) Samurai-X
Title (Japanese) Rorouni Kenshin

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Rorouni Kenshin, p.23, vol.16, Dialogue, from top left:
Young monk: He saw...
Shishio Makoto: Boy...
( G.C)
Manga author/artist Nobuhiro Watsuki
Date 1997
Publisher Jump Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-08-872296-5
Pages 188
Price Y410
Size 11x18cm
Synopsis This well-known manga (also adapted as a TV series, a movie and at least one OVA) is set in the turbulent period when the old shogunate was being overthrown, the emperor restored, the samurai were about to be deprived of their ancient rights and privileges, and modern ways and foreign technology were being introduced. In short, Japan was being rudely transformed from a medaeval country into a modern industrial nation. The manga appears to focus on the exploits of the warrior class, and the murderous political infighting of the period, thus giving plenty of scope for swordplay and romantic adventure. As it's a manga, there is a fair amount of hyperbole, with certain characters displaying supernatural powers. The eponymous hero, Kenshin, (shown to left on Cover image) is a young swordsman who, while wishing to do good, is embroiled in the political struggles. In vol. 16 he battles a very skilled and almost indestructible opponent who is wrapped in bandages (this is also the climactic scene in the movie).
Review The artwork is quite good and the layouts as adventurous as you'd find anywhere, with irregular sized frames and images escaping from frames altogether, for greater dramatic effect.(GC).
References Also a TV anime series, OVAs, etc.


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