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Title (English) Rulers of the Empire
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes >Ruler(s) of the Empire, Dialogue, from top left:
Well.. I didn't plan to make a long visit. Let's finish the talk soon. To say, over there (?) please. After that, slowly consider the needs we have.
( G.C)

This is a doujinshi (fan manga).

Manga author/artist
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.)
Pages 121
Synopsis Ruler(s) of the Empire III, 121pp.
I am not sure exactly what this is, though I suspect it may be fiction featuring the personae from a Japanese rock band.
Review The imagery is rather romantic-Nazi in style. It is superbly printed on high quality art paper, and the art is printed with a sharpness of definition rarely seen elsewhere. There are over 100 pages of manga. I have not attempted to translate the story, but it looks like yaoi with Nazi style uniforms.
You can judge the quality of artwork for yourself. Unfortunately the scan totally lacks the crispness of the original, and I don't have access to the scanner to make a high definition image. If one views the whole book, however, it becomes evident that a weakness in the design is that the artist has concentrated largely on head-and-shoulders portraits rather than achieving a balance of different figure views and backgrounds. (GC).
References none


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