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Title (English) Sailor Moon (J)
Title (Japanese) Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Sailor Moon #1,Act 3,p.92: Text translation (from top left)
Luna(thinking): A girl with strange powers? She is certainly beautiful and has the manners of a princess. Perhaps she is the Princess?!

Rae: Cherry Hill Street is a place where five different streets come together. So it has five sides. But legend says that there is a sixth side and the Six O'clock "Bus of Death" is said to have disappeared into this sixth street. You know what this is called? It is called the call of the spirits.
Manga author/artist TAKEUCHI Naoko
Publisher Kodansha Comics
Edn. Language Jap
ISBN (review vol.) 4-06-178721-7
Pages 190
Price Y390
Size 12x17cm
Synopsis Scatter-brained average schoolgirl becomes super-heroine with the aid of magical cat, etc.
Review I'm not a particular fan of this (as anime) but how nice to have a volume of the original shoujo manga. The artwork, obviously shoujo, is nothing special, but it didn't stop the ditzy heroine finding her way to the hearts of millions of Japanese girls and women. I used to attend a Japanese language evening class, and one of my classmates was a woman with long blonde hair who had lived in Japan for a year with her family. Though she is not an anime or manga fan at all, during a festival the local housewives talked her into dressing up as Usagi/Sailor Moon.
This first volume introduces Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and the Tuxedo Mask character.
References Tr. borrowed from a WWW page, see link for Anime & Manga Translations on Internet for more.


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