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Title (English) Samurai Crusader
Title (Japanese)

book cover

Fantasy Novel

Notes Samurai Crusader, Manga Vizions. V2,#11, p.9, (Tr. by Hudnall &Olsen.)

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Manga author/artist Hiroi Oji/Ryoichi Ikegami
Publisher Viz
Edn. Language Eng
ISBN (review vol.)
Synopsis A fantastical Martial Arts story, set in the early 20th Century and featuring Ernest Hemingway as a character. The hero, Kumomaru, battles to prevent a sword of symbolic value falling into the hands of corrupt militarists. The location moves between Japan, Paris, and China.
Review You may be reminded of 'Crying Freeman', which Ikegami drew. This is the kind of male-oriented manga one either likes a lot or soon finds tiresome.
References Story by Hiroi Oji, Art by Ryoichi Ikegami, 23 page episode, Manga Vizions vol.2 no.11.


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